
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Session One. . .

We had our first game today and we actually had fun. . . with me as GM. Unbelievable! And you know, I feel pretty awesome about it. Well, okay, I felt pretty shaky about it, particularly since the game didn't start with particular confidence on my part. I had planned out the game's skeleton--because I read on Gnome Stew that railroading players isn't a very nice thing to do and also because my husband just can't be railroaded--but when it came time to start, I sort of froze up a little bit. I don't think it was so noticeable as to take away from the fun of the game, and my husband was very encouraging and understanding. Ultimately, I got over it and we had a productive session.

There are a few things (okay, more than a few) that I feel like I need to work on, or seek out more advice about, including making the setting richer in terms of "feeling" like steampunk, how to make it more cinematic since Wolsung is a cinematic role playing game, and how to make the system's rule set function inside the story more smoothly. I'm sure, though, that those things will come to me as I get more experience. And, of course, with them resolved will come more questions. Bring em' on!

So, I think I'm going to start working on some more games and see where that takes me. I'm pretty sure this adventure will conclude next session, it wasn't a particularly long or difficult scenario--I'll share game notes after the adventure's over. So, it's planning time and I have more than a few ideas, I have just have to sit down and bring them together. I see so much inspiration for this story in movies, in books, all over the web. I'm loving it!

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