
About Me

Welcome, thanks for stopping in! My name is Kristyn, I'm an avid gamer and brand new GM, and this is my place to explore that new role.

I'm also a Freshman English Instructor, a graduate student (again), a wife, a writer, a fur-baby mama, a sister, a friend. . . and a dice collector!!

I've been gaming for 14 years, played about a dozen systems including: 
  • 7th Sea
  • D&D (2e, 3e, 3.5e, & 4e)
  • World of Darkness
  • Shadowrun (3e)
  • Earthdawn
  • Cyberpunk
  • Star Wars (Last Unicorn & D20)
  • Star Trek
  • L5R (4e)
  • Spycraft
  • Wolsung
I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting. Oh and there has been the occasional MMORPG, but I prefer the table-top variety over something like World of Warcraft (which I played for about 8 years) or SWTOR.

My newest venture is Wolsung: Steam Pulp Fantasy RPG, which was was originally published in Poland. It has recently been translated into English and I'm dying to give it a try. However, when I showed it to my husband, rather than him taking it, learning the rules, and being GM--like usual--he told me if I wanted to play it, I had to GM. It says a lot about how badly I want to play this game that I agreed to that.

This is where you get the title "The Reluctant Game Mistress" because I am, indeed, reluctant. I've never successfully GM'd more than just one session here and there, and it's never gone particularly well. So, this blog--which is not at all my only blog--will come along on that journey with me as I try to figure out what the heck I'm doing and how to do it gracefully!